
[vc_row full_width=”” font_color=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_color_opacity=”50″ overlay_pattern=”” overlay_pattern_opacity=”50″ full_page_width=”” parallax=”” toc_id=”” bg_image_fb=”” bg_image_repeat_fb=”” css_animation=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text css_animation=””]As we all get engrossed in CHRISTMAS , with sales tempting us to buy even more stuff that will be doing the rounds at car boot sales next year give a thought to those for whom CHRISTMAS will pass as just another day. Either because they’re so poor that just getting a meal at all is a blessing or there are no gifts other than the gift of love.
ChristmasMessageRemember the real meaning of Christmas – to give thanks for the birth of Christ and if that hadn’t happened, we wouldn’t have Christmas. The most precious gift we can give each other – those we know and those we don’t know is LOVE. Real love solves every problem, because if we love, we care for each other whoever we are; any race, any religion, any disability, anyone! Just imagine what the world would be like if every human being would just exude love. There would be no lies, deception,fighting, arguing, crime, murder, assault – just love.
Fanciful? It seems so, but we can start with ourselves and believe it or not, it’s infectious – just like a smile – xxx[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]