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Enjoy the Journey!

Enjoy the Journey!

Ladies, in your wedding preparations, almost certainly, at some stage, things won’t turn out as you imagined – maybe you won’t be able to get the exact colour of something or something will be discontinued. Providing something important doesn’t happen at the last minute, then everything is solveable. At Serenity Brides, your wedding professionals will move heaven and earth to help you….providing you behave in a professional way and not in a demanding disrespectful way. Remember, it is not always your wedding professionals fault. For example, you may have loved a certain dress, but didn’t confirm with an order and when you come back, you find its been discontinued. That’s not something that’s within the control of the bridal shop and they couldn’t possibly call everyone who said they liked the dress….but they would call brides who had ordered the dress to reassure them since all orders on discontinued dresses would be honoured by the designer.

So enjoy the journey, don’t get excited by things that can easily be solved and don’t become a bridezilla over a small detail. If you do have a concern, call us at the earliest opportunity and we’ll help you put your mind at rest.

Fortunately, Serenity Brides has had very few of BZ’s and our brides are really lovely – but just be aware we are here to help and help we will…..wherever possible with respect coming from both sides xxx[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]