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Florence -


Wedding dresses – it’s what we started dreaming of as little girls and we all had an idea of exactly what style of wedding dresses we liked.

How many of us walked into a store full of wedding dresses and knew exactly what we wanted – only to find that actually, that style didn’t suit us as much as others did?



At Serenity, we listen to what style of wedding dresses you’re looking for. Once you’ve picked out the ones you want to try, we suggest a few different wedding dresses that you may not have considered and just like magic – you almost always find that the one you love the most, is the one you would not have picked.

Some of our brides are so astounded at this, that they keep saying “I would never have picked this wedding dress – but I love it



So be open ladies when trying on wedding dresses as you might miss the dress of your dreams by not considering the wedding dresses your consultant is suggesting – because she has listened to your thoughts on the ones you have tried on and is seeing exactly the style of dress that will suit you the most xxx[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]