If you’re a fan of Say Yes to The Dress, you’ve undoubtedly seen a bride who has tried on 100+ dresses without finding the right one. Most brides try on between four and seven gowns and ideally shouldn’t try on more than 10, because it leads to confusion.
It’s fairly usual for the bride to find THE ONE within her first shopping trip, but often she doesn’t trust her judgement and believes there just might be a better one out there – even though she loves it!
This is a huge mistake and results in overwhelming confusion, where doubts creep in and the whole experience becomes a chore.
Don’t think you’ll be missing out on the experience of trying on enough dresses, because at Serenity Brides, we really do believe in taking our time and exhausting all of the different styles with you ( however long it takes) – inevitable and quite usual, our brides often fall for a dress within the first five tried on and almost always it’s something very different to what they believed they would pick!
At Serenity Brides, you have a private salon to yourself and your guests and we keep you all supplied with refreshments throughout the experience. Our staff will pop in and out to remove dresses that have been given a no vote as well as to see if you or the consultant needs anything. We all love to see you in the different dresses as we really do love our job and it shows!
So make your first experience a Serenity Brides experience – you will not want to go anywhere else !